


恭喜大家錄取元培醫事科技大學113 學年度四年制產學合作學士海外青年技術訓練班!

※ 入學時請攜帶下列資料 Required documents for Registration Office:

  • 學歷證明文件正本:經我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構(以下簡稱駐外館處)驗證之外國學校最高學歷或同等學力證明文件(中、英文以外之語文,應加附經公證之中文或英文譯本)。

    Original certificate or diploma of the highest degree obtained abroad, or documentation of equivalent attainment: If these documents are in languages other than Chinese or English, a copy of either an English or Chinese translation should also be notarized and enclosed. Certificates or diplomas must be verified by an embassy, consulate, representative office, or other institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Taiwanese overseas embassies or consulates) authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C

  • 歷年成績單:經駐外館處驗證之歷年成績單正本1份(中、英文以外之語文,應加附經公證之中文或英文譯本)One photocopy of year-by-year grade transcript issued by the academic institution and verified by a Taiwanese overseas embassy or consulate.
  • 錄取生應依規定繳交學雜費辦理註冊手續,未依規定完成者,視同放棄入學資格。
    Admitted students must pay tuition fees and go through the registration process as required. Failure to complete the process will be deemed as giving up the admission qualification.